Friday, 1 April 2011

New National Park today (1/4/11)

Congratulations to the many Ramblers members and volunteers who have
campaigned over the decades for today's achievement: the new South
Downs National Park Authority begins its work from today.

It's a proud day for the Ramblers, alongside the CNP, the CPRE, the
South Downs Campaign, and others.

It'll mean greater protection for the flora and fauna and landscapes
and heritage of the South Downs, and, we hope, improved opportunities
for sustainable leisure activities.

I was on the Today Programme this morning debating with a
representative of the CLA, which wishes to see a watering down of the
planning rules for national parks. Watering down the rules would put
at risk the Park Authorities' ability to conserve that which is so
special about these areas of Britain.

Thanks to the Ramblers volunteers across Britain involved in national
park campaigning.

Tom Franklin
Sent from my iPhone

Ramblers - at the heart of walking
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