Friday, 15 April 2011

How do we increase Ramblers membership? (16/4/11)

It's General Council weekend - more than 250 delegates and guests are
heading to Oxford Keble College for the Ramblers AGM.

Delegates will be electing five members of the Board of Trustees,
debating 17 motions ranging from High Speed Rail to the future of
forests, and presenting awards to the 8 winners of the 75th
anniversary volunteer awards.

The theme of the weekend will be, 'How do we increase membership?' and
we will be hearing from Derek Twine, Chief Executive of the Scouts, on
how they achieved membership growth after years of decline.

Membership is vital to the Ramblers future. Members provide the money
to run campaigns and led walks; but they are also the potential
volunteers; and the more members the Ramblers has, the more clout we
have. The potential pool of Ramblers members is vast. There are more
than six million regular walkers in Britain.

I'd like to see more Groups and Areas experiment with different ways
to get in more members. It's only by running lots of small experiments
that we'll learn which ones work and which don't. During General
Council, there will be seven 'good ideas' sessions on membership where
volunteers share 'what works for them' with other volunteers.

Tom Franklin
Sent from my iPhone

Ramblers - at the heart of walking
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