Thursday, 13 October 2011

Ramblers and Surrey Council act in tandem to relaunch Greensand Way route(13/10/11)

I very much enjoyed the re-launching of the Surrey section of the Greensand Way today. The 108 mile route, which takes in two Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty as well as numerous Sites of Special Scientific Interest, wends its way from Hazelmere in Surrey through to Hamstreet in Kent. The relaunch includes new signage, waymarking, and mapping, and ten new downloadable web maps. It was a great partnership between the council and the Ramblers - with Ramblers volunteers helping to survey the route and produce the maps, as well as making a contribution to the cost of a leaflet.

The Ramblers is the eyes and ears for footpaths - keeping a watch over them. Sometimes we need to show our teeth, when footpaths are not maintained. But there are many occasions when we can work together with councils - and in these straightened times, we can help councils not only to maintain their footpath networks but also to improve them.

Thanks to all the volunteers involved - particularly Denis Holmes, the former chair of Surrey Area, and the Haselmere and Godalming Group. Thanks also to Surrey County Council for a superb job. You can download the guide and individual maps from:

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