Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Ramblers membership figures for December (7/12/10)

Congratulations to Oxfordshire, Lake District, Lincolnshire, Greater Gwent, Highlands and Islands, Shropshire, South West Scotland, Herefordshire, Mid Lancashire, and Ceredigion.  Between them, these Areas have grown by 96 members since the start of the financial year (1st October).  Overall membership is down, however, over these two months in most Areas.  The full breakdown is available on the volunteers section of the website: http://www.ramblers.org.uk/Volunteer/News/Membership+by+Area+-+November+2010

Our target is to finish this financial year with more members than we started.  To do so, we estimate we need to retain at least 85% of existing members, and recruit 18,000 new members.  Two months in, our retention rate is above our target at 87%.  But weve recruited just 1,605 new members so far.

With walking more popular than ever in this country, it is possible for the Ramblers to begin to grow again.  But it will require all parts of the Ramblers to be focused on this.  If your Area or Group hasn’t done so already, could you make sure that ‘membership growth’ is regularly discussed at meetings.  Over the next few months, be will be developing various initiatives to help increase membership.  I would also like Areas and Groups to experiment with ideas, and to let us know what works – so that we can tell other Areas too. There are already lots of ideas on our website from Groups and Areas: http://www.ramblers.org.uk/Volunteer/VolunteerFeatures/Top+Tips+for+Increasing+Group+Membership+More+Ideas

PS One question that were asked about the Area membership figures is, Why dont you put the % increase or decrease, rather than the actual number of members?  The reason were using the real number of members per Area rather than a percentage is because our aim this year is to finish with more members than we started.  Wed like as many Areas to aim for the same goal.  We think it makes more sense to talk about real members.

Tom Franklin

Chief Executive

Follow my log at http://twitter.com/RamblersTom


Ramblers - at the heart of walking for 75 years

Please visit www.ramblers75.org.uk
 to find out more.

The Ramblers’ Association is a registered charity (England & Wales no 1093577, Scotland no SC039799) and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales (no 4458492). Registered office: 2nd floor, Camelford House, 87-90 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TW.

Visit our website at www.ramblers.org.uk

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