Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Walking routes around our coast - one of the best in the world (16/08/11)

Ive come back from holiday to hear that the 186-mile Pembrokeshire Coastal Path has been honoured alongside the Inca Trail and Mount Kilimanjaro as one of the top ten walking routes in the world!  Im not surprised its such a beautiful stretch of coast.  Well done to Wales, and also well done for being on course to complete the All Wales Coastal Path a walking route along the entire coastline of Wales by next spring.  Ramblers Cymru, which has been instrumental for campaigning for this and in making it happen, will be having one huge party to celebrate.

Theres a list of 200 promoted walking routes on the Ramblers website, sorted by name, region, or type so if youre looking for something new or a challenge, take a look!

Tom Franklin
Chief Executive
Follow my tweets at http://twitter.com/RamblersTom
Follow my blog for Ramblers volunteers at http://www.ramblers.org.uk/Volunteer/chief+executives+blog


The Ramblers’ Association is a registered charity (England & Wales no 1093577, Scotland no SC039799) and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales (no 4458492). Registered office: 2nd floor, Camelford House, 87-90 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TW.

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