Saturday, 29 January 2011

Leicestershire and Rutland Ramblers in good form (29/1/11)

I'm on my way back from the AGM of Leicestershire and Rutland
Ramblers, attended by around 40 members. They'll be hosting General
Council in 2012 so we had quite a discussion about what that would

Other issues which came up:

- The popularity of our President, Julia Bradbury amongst walkers.
(Several of the groups had invited her on walks, but they appreciate
how busy she is.)
- Cut-backs to local authority funding for footpaths (so far,
Leicestershire has not been so badly affected as others).
- Our new Mystery Walkers scheme, and linking in the footpath survey
which the Area already does.
- I was questioned on whether the Ramblers is doing enough to reach
out to black and ethnic minority people - particularly in places like
- Members also wanted to know whether schemes like Get Walking could
be extended to Leicestershire.
- I was asked if the membership lists could show whether members
prefered to receive electronic posting rather than hard copy - to help
with distributing the Area newsletter, Write of Way, electronically.
- Also, the importance of keeping down the amount of health and
safety requirements when working with children.
- Finally, it was suggested the CRM software should include
information about volunteers skills, to help identify people who can
help with projects.

Thanks to Roy Denney (Chair) and Michael Parr (Secretary) for their

Next week...Cornwall.

Tom Franklin
Sent from my iPhone

Ramblers - at the heart of walking
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