Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Bristol volunteers meeting (30/11/10)

I'm currently travelling back from the last of the current series of
special volunteers meetings with Rodney (chair) and myself - this one
in Bristol. Luckily snow didn't get in the way. Many of the people at
the meeting had been at last year's meeting in Bath - and everyone
agreed how much more relaxed and positive this year's was.

Key issues discussed include:

- recruiting volunteers. It was pointed out that many of our
volunteers were in the 50s and 60s age bracket. With more people
retiring later, this might impact on the numbers volunteering with the
Ramblers. [Of course, as people live longer, and are active longer,
the Ramblers also benefits from this, so the two effects prossibly
cancel each other out.]

- volunteers giving space for newcomers. The issue of volunteers
staying in the same post for many, many years was raised. It was felt
that this discouraged others from coming forward. (For example, when
newcomers make suggestions and are told, "oh no, we don't do it that
way!") It can be a problem particularly in this computer age, if long-
standing volunteers don't keep up to date with technology.
[Suggestions for dealing with this, mostly from other volunteers,
included: setting time limits for post holders; making use of honorary
positions such as president; and running training days for new
volunteers. Also - have fewer 'officer' posts; and ask people to do
tasks rather than hold an officer post.]

- financial situation. It was suggested that we might communicate the
latest financial situation, and the reasons for it's improvement, with
Areas. Some people might accuse us of cutting too deeply last year.
[Just to be clear on this - if we had not made the cuts that we did
last year, extremely difficult as they were, we would have run out of
money - become insolvent. We are likely to make a surplus of about
£800,000 in the year just ended - 2009/10. This is mainly due to: (a)
reducing our costs (the painful cuts last year); (b) trawling back
through years of unclaimed Gift Aid to claim everything owed (made
possible because of the CRM software - but this is a one-off); (c)
unbudgeted legacies (again, a one-off bonus); (d) better than expected
membership income (membership still fell, but slightly less than
predicted; also, the switch from 'reduced' to 'concessionary' rate was
more effective than predicted). We still have some difficult
financial times ahead - certainly until membership starts going up
instead of down; plus, Get Walking Keep Walking ends December 2011,
and that provides about £200,000 per year towards overheads (rent,
lighting, etc). This will need to be found elsewhere if we don't
replace this grant funding. Plus inflation is higher than expected.

I think I've mentioned before that the surplus from the year just
ended is being used to (a) make targeted investments of about £350k
(much of it aimed at improving income generation in the future); (b)
make provision for a potential deficit in our pension fund in future
years (£250k); (c) provide a small top-up to our reserves, after the
very big financial loss the year before.]

- why people join the Ramblers. We discussed the relationship between
the walks programme and campaigning.

- group creation. The Bristol group, which is very large, says that it
does many of the right things to attract members, but membership is
still falling. Avon Area was very successful, between about 1986 and
1998, at forming new geographical groups, and membership grew during
this time. Membership has been falling for much of the period since.
We discussed the potential for setting up new non-territorial groups
(there's a potential one in Bristol which organises walks along the
canal called Wessex Wanderers), and also cutting down the bureaucracy
(fewer committee posts, fewer meetings). [I'd like to see Areas try
out new things - different types of groups, different models. We're
going to learn by experimenting a bit. I also said that we'd like to
pilot, for new members joining online, giving them the option of not
joining a group at all (many groups complain about sending information
to lots of people they never hear from). Apparently, this used to be
the case 30 years ago!]

- electronic mail and websites. Gloucestershire reported that through
using e-mail, it had reduced its unit costs for communication by 40%.
It had also revamped its website - but in doing so, in trawling
through Area and Group websites, it had identified an enormous range
in quality - from great, to terrible. There was also little help from
central office available for web development. [I agree with this. This
is a vital area for the future. Although we are investing £75k in our
web this year, we need more to really get our web act together. This
is a challenge for management and the board going forward.]

- communication. There were complaints about no longer getting the
monthly e-news since stepping down from a volunteer role (we'll look
into thus - anyone can opt into the enews, but we only proactively
send it to volunteers rather than all members). There were mixed
views on communication, but generally people did not favour going back
to paper.

- Forestry Commission sell-off. I explained our 'key tests' for
judging any selloff proposals. It was suggested this could make a
useful debate at General Council [seems a good idea].

- Revenue from book sales. We were asked whether a group could keep
the profits from book sales to use on local initiatives. [Generally
this is fine so long as the proceeds are used for our charitable
purposes, and that reserves are not built up to excessive levels. We
are advising at least one Area on how to manage down its reserves by
spending them on the charity's purposes. Kevin Edwards at central
office can provide advice.]

- location of central office. The issue of moving central office is
not just a financial one, but also a symbolic one. [The board has
stated it is minded to relocate central office outside of London when
the lease comes up fir renewal in four years. It is due to have a
discussion on this early next year. Financially, it is unlikely to
save much money and may even cost us more to start with because (a)
our rent in London is quite low - we are in a 'charity' block, and it
is comparable with other places;(b) there will be considerable removal
costs, plus staffing costs. There are other very important, symbolic,
reasons for looking at a move - and anyway, with new technology the
need for a large central office is reduced (we now sub-let about one
third of the space at central office to another charity).]

Those were most (but not all) of the points discussed. Another very
helpful meeting.

Tom Franklin

Ramblers - at the heart of walking for 75 years
Please visit www.ramblers75.org.uk to find out more
The Ramblers' Association is a registered charity (England & Wales no 1093577, Scotland no SC039799) and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales (no 4458492). Registered office: 2nd floor, Camelford House, 87-90 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TW.
Visit our website at www.ramblers.org.uk

Monday, 29 November 2010

Doesn't time fly - 10 years since Right to Roam legislation Assent (29/11/10)

Tomorrow, were celebrating the tenth anniversary since the landmark Countryside and Rights of Way (CroW) Act received Royal Assent finally giving legal access to over one million hectares of open countryside in England and Wales. It was a pivotal moment in the campaign for access in England and Wales a campaign which began back in the 19th century. Royal Assent for the CRoW Act fired the starting pistol for the mapping process which has resulted in large swathes of the country being opened up to walkers. And the Ramblers played the critical role in pressing for this legislation just as it is doing today in helping to create a route around the entire coastline of England and Wales

Well done to everyone involved but we need to remember our work goes on.  The eye-watering cuts being proposed to public rights of way and access budgets by some local authorities threaten to seriously set back the achievements of the past few decades.  And we also have the challenge to encourage more people to get out and enjoy our countryside for health and well-being.

Tom Franklin


Ramblers - at the heart of walking for 75 years

Please visit www.ramblers75.org.uk
 to find out more.

The Ramblers’ Association is a registered charity (England & Wales no 1093577, Scotland no SC039799) and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales (no 4458492). Registered office: 2nd floor, Camelford House, 87-90 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TW.

Visit our website at www.ramblers.org.uk

Friday, 26 November 2010

How to slash Area and Group costs for postage and printing (26/11/10)

Heres news of an excellent initiative by Woking Ramblers to slash their costs, and give their members more choice.

The costs of printing and postage keep going up (a second class stamp costs 32p these days!), and we know that printing and postage costs for walk programmes are often the bulk of Area and Group expenses.

Woking Ramblers have managed to persuade 80% of their members to get their walking programme from the internet leading to massive cost savings.  The more we save on printing and posting, the more can be spent on other things like campaigningand the less pressure for subs increases.

To find out how this was done, read the article by David Ross, Surrey Area Secretary, on the Volunteer Features page on the website:


Tom Franklin

Chief Executive


Ramblers - at the heart of walking for 75 years

Please visit www.ramblers75.org.uk
 to find out more.

The Ramblers’ Association is a registered charity (England & Wales no 1093577, Scotland no SC039799) and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales (no 4458492). Registered office: 2nd floor, Camelford House, 87-90 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TW.

Visit our website at www.ramblers.org.uk

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

New walking projects: volunteers getting involved 25/11/10)

Some good news! The Ramblers has secured funding for three new
projects in different parts of England. Two of them build on the
existing Get Walking Keep Walking project, introducing new activities
in Durham and the South West to complement existing activity in
Birmingham, London, Manchester &

Get Walking Keep Walking Durham is a two year project that's part of
County Durham Sport's Changing the Physical Activity Landscape (CPAL)
initiative, funded by NHS County Durham. We will be targeting adults
between 40-74 at increased risk of cardiovascular disease and their
families, encouraging them to initially take part in a 12 week
walking programme. In the South West a smaller Awards For All grant is
enabling a pilot to be rolled out in partnership with RECOOP
(Resettlement and Care of Older ex-Offenders and Prisoners). Prisoners
from 3 prisons will use the 12 week walking plan to introduce an element
of competition against each other in a bid to improve their well-being.
Both these projects are benefiting from close support and liaison with
Ramblers Groups, ensuring that grant funded projects and local groups
benefit from each other.

Meanwhile, in London, the Ramblers has stepped in to deliver a programme
of Walking for Health walks funded by the Royal Parks and Natural
England. This project further demonstrates the ability of the
Ramblers to deliver a wide range of walks, complementing the
positive relationships that many Ramblers Groups already have with
their local health walk schemes. In London the Ramblers is now
delivering Get Walking programmes, Walking for Health Walks and
Ramblers Group walks - offering something for everyone and starting to
provide a sense of
co-ordination for walkers and volunteers alike.

Tom Franklin

Ramblers - at the heart of walking for 75 years
Please visit www.ramblers75.org.uk to find out more
The Ramblers? Association is a registered charity (England & Wales no 1093577, Scotland no SC039799) and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales (no 4458492). Registered office: 2nd floor, Camelford House, 87-90 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TW.
Visit our website at www.ramblers.org.uk

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Volunteers meeting in Plymouth (23/11/10)

Having stumbled off the sleeper train at Plymouth at 5.30am this
morning, straight to Devon Area volunteer John Skinner's house for an
early breakfast (thanks John), and then on to the first day of the
Vixen Tor public inquiry, the day ended with an excellent meeting with
volunteers from the south west this evening back in Plymouth.

As usual, the meeting was with Rodney (chair) and myself. Many
excellent positive ideas were put forward. Here are some of the issues

- GIFT AID. We explained that one of the reasons for the financial
surplus in the year just ended was because we have trawled through
previous years' records to indentify about £150,000 of unclaimed Gift
Aid we were entitled to. This is a direct benefit from the CRM
software. It's an example of us becoming more efficient, and although
it is a one-off bonus it is very welcome nonetheless. Another example
of the benefit from the CRM software is that we are now processing
direct debits electronically, saving admin time and postage costs.
Members won't have noticed a difference yet, but we are moving towards
accepting paperless direct debit instructions over the phone or

- FINANCES. We stressed that although last year was more stable
financially, because we'd cut our costs back drastically the year
before, this is still a very difficult time for us (and other
charities). In particular we need to reverse the decline in membership.

- REACHING OUT. Several volunteers said they felt the Ramblers was
'moving into the 21st century', reaching out to everyone who wants to
walk. Groups could help by putting on, and publicising, shorter walks,
walks for children, and linking up with local health walk schemes to
persuade people to join the Ramblers after 'graduating' from the
health walk.

- WALKING FESTIVALS One volunteer said he is organising a series of
walks linked to the 'Get Walking for the Games' theme. He thought we
should offer membership promotion for those taking part in Olympic
Games walks, and that we should re-start Family Walking Day. The idea
of local/national walking festivals was very popular.

- MEMBERSHIP MESSAGES. It was thought we (central office) needed to
be clearer about the messages that Areas / Groups should use when
recruiting, and publicise these to them. They were also looking for
more guidance on what recruitment activities tended to work or not
work (for example, stalls at fairs).

- The idea of a reward for Groups which were successful at membership
recruitment was very popular.

- We encouraged groups to build a relationship with their local
Cotswold manager, where there was one, and ask if membership leaflets
could be displayed in the stores.

- FOOTPATHS. The difference in footpath quality was highlighted -
with the excellent quality in Devon and the often terrible quality
next door in Cornwall. West Berkshire Group has built excellent
relationships with their council - they do footpath repair work. (Much
of this stemmed from the days of foot and mouth, when the group helped
to close footpaths...and then to reopen them!). The Walkers are
Welcome initiative was seen as excellent, because it was positive and
constructive, and something we should support. We said that we have
set up a new 'legal fund' for legal and national casework, with
£130,000 going into the fund from this year's budget. We also
intended to set up a mystery walkers scheme thus year, to help with

- NEW MEMBER RETENTION. Map reading courses were something popular
with new members (also helps with recruiting walk leaders).

- TREASURERS HANDBOOK. Plaudits were given for the new handbook being
slimmed down and jargon free ('a great improvement').

It was felt that the searchability of this left a lot to be desired.
(I agree that it needs revamping).

That covers many of the issues raised. We have one more regional/
national meeting in this series, in Bristol next week.

Tom Franklin

Ramblers - at the heart of walking for 75 years
Please visit www.ramblers75.org.uk to find out more
The Ramblers' Association is a registered charity (England & Wales no 1093577, Scotland no SC039799) and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales (no 4458492). Registered office: 2nd floor, Camelford House, 87-90 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TW.
Visit our website at www.ramblers.org.uk

Monday, 22 November 2010

Volunteers meeting in Liverpool (22/11/10)

Last Friday we held a special volunteers meeting in Liverpool with
Rodney (Chair) and myself. 25 volunteers, from a range of Areas and
Groups, attended.

The format was similar as the other meetings, with an introduction to
the business plan followed by free-ranging questions and discussion.

Here are some (but not all) of the issues discussed:

Affiliated Clubs - some strong opinions that more could be done to
entice members of affiliated clubs to ALSO be members of the Ramblers
(because of our safeguarding and campaigning work). The example of
the British Mountaineering Council was used, where affiliated clubs
pay per member. It is clear that in different Areas, there are
different relationships with their affiliated clubs. In Shropshire,
for example, affilated clubs help with footpath inspections.

Newly retired people - It was suggested that we contact major
employers, such as British Airways, about communicating with their
staff approaching retirement, about joining the Ramblers.

Electronic communications - some people were unhappy about only
receiving electronic communications, whilst others were okay with
this. It was pointed out that it can lead to higher costs at the Area
and Group level, if they then print out material. Moving to electronic
communications saved about £120,000 per year.

Membership recruitment - the £1 direct debit offer last May proved
helpful in recruiting new members in Chorley and Liverpool (we won't
know until next year whether they will renew). We probably won't
repeat the same offer again any time soon, but we hope to do other
promotions. People said these should be planned with as much notice as
possible. In Chorley, a Group which is growing, face to face contact
was very effective. The group has strong links with local health
walks. Chorley also organises 'scrambles' walks for children and

Advice for walk leaders - we discussed the advice which is given to
walk leaders. It was suggested we need to be clearer about the
difference between examples of good practice and 'requirements'.
Requirements are few and far between, but there is a lot of advice
available, based on what different groups already do. Each group (and
walk) is different.

Tom Franklin

Ramblers - at the heart of walking for 75 years
Please visit www.ramblers75.org.uk to find out more
The Ramblers' Association is a registered charity (England & Wales no 1093577, Scotland no SC039799) and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales (no 4458492). Registered office: 2nd floor, Camelford House, 87-90 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TW.
Visit our website at www.ramblers.org.uk

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Wirral Ramblers Celebrate (18/11/10)

It was great to be at tonight's surprise celebration in the Wirral for
two long-standing committee volunteers, Bill Nock and Mike Kendrick,
who are stepping down after a combined 40 years on the Group
committee. Mike has been Treasurer for the past twenty years and Bill
has held various positions, including walk bookings officer. They've
clearly made a huge contribution to the group, and are held in great
affection - about 100 people came to the surprise do. One of the
Wirral members is an artist, and he is painting special pictures from
their favourite walks for them both.

The Wirral Group is one of the biggest in the Ramblers, and it's
friendliness shone through tonight. Unusually for a Group, it
organises a weekly 'social night' each Thursday, which usually
includes a presentation on recent walks. They are well situated in the
Wirral - within easy reach of the Lake District, the Yorkshire Dales,
the Peaks, the south Pennines, and North and Mid Wales; and they have
a very active walks programme covering these areas. The group also
puts on lots of non-walk social activities too.

It does strike me that many of the Groups doing well in terms on
membership tend to also be the ones which have a strong social side to
their activities too.

Tom Franklin

Ramblers - at the heart of walking for 75 years
Please visit www.ramblers75.org.uk to find out more
The Ramblers? Association is a registered charity (England & Wales no 1093577, Scotland no SC039799) and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales (no 4458492). Registered office: 2nd floor, Camelford House, 87-90 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TW.
Visit our website at www.ramblers.org.uk

Vixen Tor Inquiry next week (18/11/10)

I'm looking forward to attending the Vixen Tor Inquiry in Princetown, Devon, next Tuesday, to give support to John Skinner of Devon Ramblers as he puts the case for public access to
the iconic granite landmark which has been visited by walkers for at least well over a century.  


But that was all stopped in 2003 when the landownership changed, and walkers and climbers found their way barred. In our view access had already become public long before that, through use since time immemorial.


Following evidence from us and the British Mountaineering Council, Devon County Council last year ordered that a right of way be recognised over the Tor. But objections by the landowner have resulted in a public inquiry to be held on behalf of the Secretary of State.


Devon Ramblers have been pressing for the last 7 years to have public access to Vixen Tor restored.

I'll let you know how the Inquiry goes. 

Tom Franklin 


Ramblers - at the heart of walking for 75 years

Please visit www.ramblers75.org.uk
 to find out more.

The Ramblers' Association is a registered charity (England & Wales no 1093577, Scotland no SC039799) and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales (no 4458492). Registered office: 2nd floor, Camelford House, 87-90 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TW.

Visit our website at www.ramblers.org.uk

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

New Ramblers Group for Trafford (10/11)

A new Ramblers Group for Trafford, in Greater Manchester, has just
been officially set up. This fills another geographical hole, where
there hasn't been a Group, despite a large population base. Are there
other parts of Britain which could support a Ramblers Group, where
currently there isnt one? Something for Areas to think about.

Tom Franklin

Ramblers - at the heart of walking for 75 years
Please visit www.ramblers75.org.uk to find out more
The Ramblers? Association is a registered charity (England & Wales no 1093577, Scotland no SC039799) and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales (no 4458492). Registered office: 2nd floor, Camelford House, 87-90 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TW.
Visit our website at www.ramblers.org.uk

Friday, 5 November 2010

Hike is back! (5/11/10)

Hike - the magazine for Ramblers members in their 20s and 30s - is back, after an absence of just over a year.  Instead of it dropping onto doormats, it'll now drop into inboxes - as Hike goes electronic. It's been sent to all Ramblers Hike groups and members under 40 - some 5,500 recipients in all, and we're planning to develop the Ramblers Hike brand over time. 

If you're not in that age bracket, you can have a peak at the first edition by following this link:    


Tom Franklin


Ramblers - at the heart of walking for 75 years

Please visit www.ramblers75.org.uk
 to find out more.

The Ramblers' Association is a registered charity (England & Wales no 1093577, Scotland no SC039799) and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales (no 4458492). Registered office: 2nd floor, Camelford House, 87-90 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TW.

Visit our website at www.ramblers.org.uk

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Ramblers' five key tests on Forestry land sell-off (4/11/10)

Weve published today the five key, but simple, criteria which were urging the Government to meet before any sale of Forestry Commission land is considered.  They are that:


1)      Public access is maintained and enhanced.

2)      Public rights of way and access land are properly managed.

3)      No sale or transfer is completed until the purchaser has committed to preserving and maintaining access.

4)      Where access is currently not secured in law, this is remedied through CROW act dedication.

5)      The local community is consulted and given the opportunity to play a full and active part in woodland management, including first-refusal on purchase.

The important thing is not who owns the land, but what happens to it.  Through involving local communities and voluntary organisations, there could be real opportunities to improve on the access which already exists.  On the other hand, if it is simply about taking the highest bid, without safeguards being in place, this could be a real threat to keeping the countryside open. 

Tom Franklin

Chief Executive


Ramblers - at the heart of walking for 75 years

Please visit www.ramblers75.org.uk
 to find out more.

The Ramblers’ Association is a registered charity (England & Wales no 1093577, Scotland no SC039799) and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales (no 4458492). Registered office: 2nd floor, Camelford House, 87-90 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TW.

Visit our website at www.ramblers.org.uk

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Ramblers Volunteers Meeting in London (2/11)

I'm on my way home from the latest volunteers meeting with Rodney
Whittaker (chair) and myself. This one was at central office with
about 30 people. Here are some of the issues discussed.


'How to grow the membership' dominated the discussions again, with
lots of good ideas flowing.

- Some volunteers thought that the Ramblers was too elitist and not
populist enough. We needed to attract different types of people, and
make it so that the ordinary walker felt they needed to be part of the
Ramblers. [I agree with this - there are about 6million regular
walkers out there who are potential members.]

- Some people thought Ramblers membership was too expensive, but
others disagreed (although we're more expensive than local walking
clubs, that's always been the case).

- The volunteer from Canterbury Group said that putting on walks for
the Canterbury Festival had been very good at attracting new members.

- It was suggested that it is made easier and less bureaucratic to
set up new groups - for example, cutting down on the need for
committees and the like. Are there parts of the country where new
geographical groups could be tried?

- Linked to this, it was suggested that new members are given greater
choice on which group they want to join - or whether they want to join
a group at all.

- The idea of incentivising groups that are growing was raised (this
also came up at the recent meeting in Glasgow). If anyone can think
of a good incentive (that doesn't cost too much) we'd like to know.

- Somebody made the point that we don't do enough to promote our
successes. The issue of producing small plaques which Ramblers groups
can afix to posts when they do maintenance work was raised again.
[We're currently looking into this in detail. ] Some local authorities
- for example, Kent, resist requests to this this while others are
enthusiastic about it.

- Although membership processing is now much faster, one volunteer was
concerned to make sure this continued over Christmas (often, things
slip back over Christmas, which is when lots of people join). [We're
already planning for the Christmas period.]


Although many felt there had been big improvements over the past year,
they also said there was room for further improvement in working in
partnership between volunteers and staff.

[We've made some progress with this over the past year - for example,
listing volunteers with experience who are happy to be contacted for
advice on the volunteers website - I agree we've got further to go.

- Essex are discussing piloting closer links with affiliated groups,
to try to boost membership - with the results shared across the
charity. It was suggested that this process of Areas taking the lead
in piloting things should become 'the norm'.

- I'm keen for Areas and Groups, when they have good ideas, to try
them out and share the results with everyone else.

- There are now about twenty volunteer posts at central office
(indeed two central office volunteers, Mike Whiteley from Essex and
Damian Wheeler from Surrey, were at the meeting), doing all sorts of
things from working with the membership team to running the Walks
Finder. I think there's potential to expand this further.


- Somebody commented that they would prefer paper versions, although
others said that electronic communications worked well (but "less is
more" and we needed to be careful not to overload people).

- A very popular idea was that when sending out electronic
communications to volunteers, we should state which volunteers it's
aimed at, who's been sent it, and what action (if any) is required. I
think this is a very good idea.

-The increased use of Executive Summaries in papers, and text-only
versions, was welcomed.

- It was suggested we keep a directory of Area/Group/Volunteer
expertise, so that we know where abilities and skills are when they
are needed.


- Some people felt that although Walk is very well produced, it
didn't have the information which particularly interests volunteers.
[This is a difficult one - Walk is very popular indeed with members,
in surveys.]


- Concern was expressed that members can cost more than the funding
given to groups/areas. In East Essex, the Group raises funds from
coach walks, etc, to offset this. [We're increasing the funding for
Areas and Groups this year, but we're also encouraging them to look at
how to do things more cheaply - particularly using electronic

- Finally, it was suggested that Groups could benefit from guidance on
raising funds from other sources - eg sponsorship.

Those were some (but not all) points raised this evening. It was
another very helpful session, with much positive, thoughtful discussion.

Tom Franklin
Chief Executive

Ramblers - at the heart of walking for 75 years
Please visit www.ramblers75.org.uk to find out more
The Ramblers? Association is a registered charity (England & Wales no 1093577, Scotland no SC039799) and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales (no 4458492). Registered office: 2nd floor, Camelford House, 87-90 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TW.
Visit our website at www.ramblers.org.uk

Volunteering for the Natural Environment (2/11/10)

The Ramblers Adrian Morris yesterday attended the Governments stakeholder workshop, to help develop ideas for the planned Natural Environment White Paper.  He floated an idea (along with the representative from the volunteering charity BTCV) to develop a one-stop-shop scheme to help people volunteer in the natural environment which came out second from top amongst all the ideas put forward, in a show of hands.

The original government discussion paper on the Natural Environment, issued this summer, was strong on biodiversity but weak on the importance of people in nature.  In our submission back to the Government, weve highlighted how important that link with people is, and weve offered to help with drawing up firmer proposals on the enjoyment and understanding of the natural environment for inclusion in the White Paper.  When people experience nature, when they volunteer to protect it, and when they tell others about the experiences theyve had, they help to create a climate of respect for it.  Its good to hear that the Minister, Richard Benyon MP, talked at yesterdays workshop about how getting people active and enjoying our natural environment is the key issue, and also recognising the importance that people attach to their access to nature.  And the strength of positive feeling amongst other stakeholders yesterday for the promotion of volunteering is encouraging too.  After all, its what the Ramblers has been doing for decades.  All the more reason why we need to show that swingeing cuts to rights of budgets as proposed by some local authorities right now would be counter-productive.

Tom Franklin

Chief Executive


Ramblers - at the heart of walking for 75 years

Please visit www.ramblers75.org.uk
 to find out more.

The Ramblers’ Association is a registered charity (England & Wales no 1093577, Scotland no SC039799) and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales (no 4458492). Registered office: 2nd floor, Camelford House, 87-90 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TW.

Visit our website at www.ramblers.org.uk

Monday, 1 November 2010

More groups = more members?

Alan Mattingly, Ramblers Vice President, visited our office today.  Alan was General Secretary (the previous name for Chief Executive) over a period spanning the 1970s to the early 2000s.  He was telling us how Ramblers Groups roughly quadrupled between 1975 and 1995; and that the membership of the Ramblers roughly quadrupled too, during the same period.

There appears to have been, during that time, a strong link between the establishment of new Ramblers Groups, and the growth in membership.  By contrast, over the past decade, apart from the 20s-30s groups (and more recently the 40s+ groups), there have been few new groups formed. 

We want to finish this year 2010/11 with at least 121,500 members.  Thats more members than we started the year with which would be the first time since about 2003.  If we can grow our membership again, we can have more campaigning clout, a bigger pool of potential volunteers, as well as more resources.  Perhaps we need Areas to be looking at setting up some new Groups either geographical-, or interest-based ones or if not new ones, sub-groups of existing ones?  Id be interested in your thoughts.  Can you remember that period of rapid membership and group growth?


Tom Franklin

Chief Executive

Follow my log at http://twitter.com/RamblersTom


Ramblers - at the heart of walking for 75 years

Please visit www.ramblers75.org.uk
 to find out more.

The Ramblers’ Association is a registered charity (England & Wales no 1093577, Scotland no SC039799) and a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales (no 4458492). Registered office: 2nd floor, Camelford House, 87-90 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TW.

Visit our website at www.ramblers.org.uk